Digital Storytelling 101

Welcome to our comprehensive course teaching filmmaking and storytelling skills across live action, documentary, and stop-motion animation.

Unlock Your Creative Potential with Digistars Digital Storytelling 101: Make a Movie!

Equip your team with the essential skills of digital storytelling and filmmaking

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  • Live Action Filmmaking

    Course completion requires producing a finished movie with sound, titles, credits, and a clear storyline.

  • Documentary Filmmaking

    Course completion requires producing a finished documentary with sound, titles, credits, and a clear storyline.

  • Stop Motion Animation

    Course completion requires producing a finished Stop Motion Animated movie with sound, titles, credits, and a clear storyline.

Course Details:

  • Participants explore three types of digital storytelling: Live Action Filmmaking, Documentary Filmmaking, Stop Motion Animation

  • Course completion requires producing a finished movie with sound, titles, credits and a clear storyline
  • Identify story fundamentals

    Identify story fundamentals

  • Explain the digital storytelling production process

    Explain the digital storytelling production process

  • Analyse story structures

    Analyze story structures

  • Operate tools, apps, technologies

    Operate tools, apps, technologies

Digital Storytelling 101 - Make a Movie

This on-demand online course helps you and your students produce a live action, documentary or stop-motion film more quickly, more easily, and with a higher-quality outcome. 

Stop floundering around without direction or guidance; we escort filmmakers of all ages along the path to success with clear and easy-to-follow instructions, useful organisational tools, and fun and engaging videos.

There's no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to filmmaking; learn the tried and true production process that Digistars® has honed with more than 1,000 students.

  • Schools & Universities

    Engaging classess teaching exciting relevant modern skillsets with tangible visible outcomes

  • Educational Instructors & Individual Students

    Would you like to get started in the art of moviemaking or teach others how to do so? Welcome to Digistars!

  • Companies & Organisations

    Teaching essential modern digital skills to your company or organisation that are engaging for everyone and have visible practical outcomes. Great fun!

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